

Supporting our communities

We're creating and collating a series of resources to help businesses across our district. Find our factsheets and helpful links below. Have we missed something? Please let us know.

Preparing for Power Outages

During the energy crisis there is a risk of power outages, either planned or unplanned.

The Chamber has created a guide to help you commence your own planning and risk assessments. These elements can also form part of better practice preparations for any power outage and is not exclusive to a time when rolling power outages are being considered.

Advertising your business

If you wish to publicise your business (and it is within the boundaries of Stroud town centre and open to members of the public to visit), we could share your posts via the InStroud social media channels, which reach thousands every month who are keen to learn more about the diversity of businesses within Stroud town centre. The initiative is designed to improve the perception of the range of businesses on the doorstep of our customers and improve footfall in the town.
Read more here.

Within the Stroud District we also operate the platform which includes a business directory. Learn more here.

Assistance (including Guide) Dogs - understanding the law and how it applies to you

It's important to understand the law regarding Assistance Dogs, including Guide Dogs. Whether you're a taxi driver, a food service outlet or a restaurant, please ensure your knowledge is up to date.
We have found that the Guide Dogs charity offer the best and easiest to understand advice. Read more here.
If you are unsure how to identify if a dog is an Assistance Dog, Assistance Dogs UK have a helpful set of FAQs here that may help you.

Antisocial Behaviour

If you are aware of antisocial behaviour, including groups behaving rowdily and taking over public spaces, graffiti, vandalism, fly-posting, people dumping rubbish, drug dealing, begging, antisocial drinking, misuse of minibikes or misuse of fireworks , this Factsheet may help you get the assistance needed.

Aggressive or Excessive Fundraising

Those who raise funds for Charity have important rules to follow. This Factsheet helps explain the rules and regulations around Street Fundraising, how to raise concerns and to whom your concerns can be raised.

Be Proud of Stroud - The Importance of Reporting Antisocial Behaviour

Launched in Autumn 2018, the Mayor and Stroud Town Council,  supported by Gloucestershire Constabulary. Stroud Chamber of Trade support the campaign and have distributed posters throughout the town. You can download your poster through the link below.

How to report Graffiti and Vandalism

We can fight the things that bring the image of our town down, together. This means ensuring we report instances of graffiti and vandalism and knowing who is responsible for repairing the damage done. This Factsheet, compiled following the Local Policing and Security in Stroud event we hosted, helpful advice on how to best report the crime and who to contact to help them repair the damage.

Let's Hear Stroud - advice on Hearing Loops

Prepared by Stroud Rotary Club, this fact sheet helps you understand you obligations, your options, best practice and how to get your equipment tested.

Helping the homeless

If you are concerned for the welfare of someone who is sleeping on the streets, this Factsheet may help you get them assistance they need.

Setting Up Business in Stroud

If you are considering setting up business in Stroud, this Factsheet will provide you with some valuable contact information and links to get started.

Reporting Damaged or Failed Street Lights

Street lights help keep residents and our businesses safe, so when they are damaged or malfunctioning it is important to get them fixed. Street Lighting is usually the responsibility of the County Council and you can report though this link.

The report is made via a Web Form and (as of December 2018) the cases raised are intended to be passed to the contractors within two working days. They intend to respond within 10 working days.

Business Support through Stroud Growth Hub

Stroud Growth Hub is part of the Gloucestershire Growth Hub Network, and there are 4 other Hubs around the county (Forest of Dean, Gloucester, Tewkesbury, Cirencester and Cheltenham). We all run slightly differently, but our core purpose and principles are the same – to support Gloucestershire SME’s to realise and grow their potential. We are funded by the European Regional Development Fund, and at Stroud we have 3 staff – Laura (Growth Hub Manager), and Richard & Chris (Business Navigators).

Due to the way we are funded, businesses do need to be eligible so support, however we are offering some leniencies due to Covid. The first step of receiving support is to fill in the form online here. If it comes back that you are ineligible, please still contact us on as there may still be support we can offer, or at the very least we can signpost you to another programme more suitable.
If eligible, you will receive 3 hours support minimum from our Business Navigators. Richard and Chris have a wealth of knowledge and experience in the business sector, and can advise on topics from helping your organisation become more sustainable, to social media marketing.
Once the 3 hours of support have been delivered, you may then be eligible for a further 12 hour support from a Business Guide, but that will be done on a case by case basis.

We have 3 main areas of space available for use:
The open coworking space – the large space in the middle. This is for anyone to base themselves from, and is free of charge. At the moment, we are not operating a booking system, but this might be introduced as we get busier.
Offices – we have 3 private offices available for hire.
Conference room – the conference room is also available to hire.

We are open Monday-Friday 9am-4pm.
Information correct as at 16/11/2021