Stroud and District Chamber of Trade and Commerce

Making the Stroud District Better for Business

Welcome to the Stroud & District Chamber of Trade & Commerce

We are an organisation of individuals and companies trading in Stroud town centre and the surrounding Stroud District.

From sole traders to limited companies, both retail and commercial - we work together

The Chamber on Social Media

Chamber publish Commercial Property Audit

The Stroud & District Chamber of Trade & Commerce have published their January 2024 Commerical Property Audit for Stroud Town. The report shows an audit of 365 properties across the town and includes an interesting insight into where the town sits inline with the current national average of vacant commercial units.

Chamber working to Bolster Wotton

The Stroud & District Chamber of Trade and Commerce, supported by Wotton-under-Edge Town Council, have conducted a survey of town centre businesses to better understand the challenges businesses face and establish how the stakeholders can work together to better enable business and the town.

Read the full report, presented to the town in Thursday 18th January 2024.

Chamber Leads in Business Awareness of Support, Survey Shows

A survey commissioned by Stroud District Council identified businesses in the Stroud District  recognise The Stroud & District Chamber of Trade & Commerce as an organisation that provides support to businesses, more than any other organisation. 93% of the 200 businesses surveyed identified they were aware of the Chamber, the survey reports.
Tony Davey, Chairman of the Chamber commented, "It's great to know the work we do, as the only Chamber of Trade for the District, is noticed by the business community. The Stroud District offers so much to businesses and the communities is serves and we work tirelessly to bring businesses and customers together, in addition to raising awareness of the District offering for the Visitor Economy."

Crime and ASB Perceptions Survey

Following an increase in expressed concerns over Crime against Business and Antisocial Behaviour (ASB) in Stroud Town, the Chamber initiated a survey to better understand perceptions and the scale of the problem. Where only 14% of respondents in the August 2022 survey expressed they were concerned about Crime and ASB, this has now risen considerably to  52% and 71% report being impacted by ASB.