Join Us

We cannot do our work without the support of the Members

We cannot do our work without the support of our members, helping us to fulfil our goal of making the Stroud District better for business, together.

It only costs £25 per year to join (that's less than 50p per week).

Where else will you get this level of support for your business and your town for just £25 per year?

The official tourism site of the Stroud District

The official Tourism Site of the Stroud District and bricks-and-mortar Business Directory

The Chamber solely funds and operates the official Tourism platform for the Stroud District – Its social media channels, eNewsletter, website and App are entirely volunteer led and run, for both our local communities and to attract tourism spend in the District; vital to supporting our local economy. We reach thousands of active users every week. It is also the official bricks-and-mortar Business Directory, showcasing businesses that can be visited and increasing the digital footprint of businesses within the Stroud District. The site often attracts in excess of 500 unique, active visitors a day. The eNewsletter, introduces upcoming events and showcases activities across the District, has an impressive 98.5% retention rate - evidence that our curated content is both engaging and relevant to our audience.

Promoting business in engaging ways across the Stroud District and supporting towns to thrive

Supporting towns across the Stroud District to thrive

The Chamber facilitates initiatives across the Stroud District, such as Totally Locally campaigns, at no charge to the participating businesses. This includes initiatives in Berkeley, Dursley, Nailsworth, Stonehouse, Stroud, Wotton-under-Edge and across the entire District. From Fiver Fest to Magic Tenner and Bolster towns work. and spreading Totally Locally messaging throughout the year, the Chamber provides guidance and toolkits for businesses to engage.

Ensuring the Stroud District is represented as part of the tourism mix for England

Getting us all on the English Tourism map

The Chamber is the only organisation in the Stroud District who ensures the Stroud District is on the English Tourism Week map – promoting both local community visits across our District and encouraging tourism spend that is essential to support our local economy.

Toolkits and resources to help businesses promote themselves to their audience in new ways

Facilitating campaigns across the Stroud District

The Chamber facilitates campaigns across the Stroud District, including Local4Lent and “Independent Values”, providing toolkits for businesses to help them market their business in innovative and relevant ways.

Promoting businesses within Stroud Town Centre

Raising your profile

The Chamber runs the InStroud brand; channels on Facebook and Instagram that are dedicated to promoting businesses in town and increasing footfall. The
chances are, if your business is within Stroud Town Centre, we have already been promoting your business and sharing your posts.

If we don’t seem to be sharing your content, please drop us a message so we
know to follow you.

Businesses outside of this catchment may be supported by or Totally Locally Stroud District channels instead. 

Being social and keeping informed

Members have access to the Members-only Facebook group where you will be updated on the latest news and can share your views. We regularly update followers with news of our activities on our Facebook Page at

Learning more about us

You can learn more about us and our work across this site. You can apply online to join the Chamber, with the additional benefits that brings, below. The price is only £25 per annum and enables us to continue our work to support business in Stroud. I would also urge you to follow our main Facebook page where you will find we post regular updates: Following this page will help ensure you don’t miss valuable opportunities available to you, as we do not have the resources to visit each of over 365 businesses in Stroud Town regularly and across the Stroud District. We are not funded by the local authority; outside of any project sponsorship we seek, all our income to support our work comes from our members subscriptions.